77th The Annual Academic Sessions of GMA 2018

The 77th Annual Academic Sessions of Galle Medical Association was held from 11th to 13th of October 2018 at the Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine, Karapitiya. We are happy to announce that followings presentations received awards and commendations. On behalf of GMA we congratulate the winners.


Awards for Oral Presentations

  • The award for the best oral presentation was awarded to the paper titled “An assessment of a modified protocol to manage Bertiella studeri – monkey tapeworm-infection in Southern Sri Lanka” authored by

De Silva NL, De Silva A, Jayawardena P, Amarasena S, Yahathugoda TC, Weerasooriya MV  

  • The judges decided to award a special award “Best Innovative Study” for the oral oral presentation tiltled “A novel method of taxidermy to substitute formalin based preservation of snake specimens to make easy-to-study specimens” authored by Ruben J, Yahathugoda TC


The following Oral Presentations were commended

  1. “Different outcomes in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction with primary percutaneous coronary intervention Teaching Hospital Karapitiya” Ranasinghe RDB, Sathananthan PP, Sridhara KPM, Ponnamperuma T, Kosala KGP, Boyle A
  1. “Evaluation of antimicrobial and disinfectant potential in silver nanoparticles synthesized from Mollugo cerviana

            De Soyza WSG, Napagoda MT, Wijayaratne WMDGB, Witharana S

  1. “Assessment of potential toxicological effects of Murraya koenigii leaf extract in Wistar rats”

            Sandamali JAN, Hewawasam RP, Jayathilaka KAPW, Mudduwa LKB

Awards for Poster Presentations

  • Best Poster Presentation was awarded to the paper titled “Measles outbreak in Galle, Sri Lanka in 2013; challenges in maintaining disease elimination status by vaccination”

Wickramasinghe D, Agampodi SB, Vidanagama D

The following Poster Presentations were commended.

  1. “The effect of nurses’ training on specimen collection and transport to improve microbiological diagnosis”

Wickramasinghe D, Ransimali LGHN, Vijayapabu V, Piyadasa UPLA, Kumari EHNN

  1. “Outbreak of ESBL producing Klebsiella Pneumoniae in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at a Tertiary Care Unit in Sri Lanka”

Wickramasinghe D, Wijayawardhena MAM, Wickrama MD, Ransimali LGHN, Vijayapabu V, Piayadasa UPLA

  1. “Fluid management during the Critical phase of dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome in children”

Algawatta AWCP, Kitulwatta NC, Samarutilake GDN


Teaching Hospital Karapitiya Galle.
Tel: +94 91 2232560 (GMA Office)
      +94 91 2232176, 2232276 (Ext. 2130)
Fax: +94 91 2232560
E-mail: gmathk@gmail.com
Website: www.gma.lk

Contact Persons:

Mrs.Sureka Samanmalie
Ms. Savithri Wijayasiri
Administrative Secretaries

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